Wednesday, September 06, 2006


This was posted on the Imaginative Traveller Forum today:

As many of you will be aware, on 4th September 2006 there was a shooting incident in Amman, Jordan, during which a number of tourists were injured. We can confirm that the group which was shot at were travelling with The Imaginative Traveller. Of the 6 people from our group who were injured, one was fatally wounded. The remaining 5 were taken immediately to hospitals in Amman and given medical treatment. The Jordanian authorities and medical personnel responded swiftly and we are grateful for the invaluable assistance of the British Foreign Office. We should like to thank our tour leader Claire Gribben for her efforts in a very difficult situation. Upon hearing of the incident our Destination Manager for the region Mohammed el Fayed flew immediately to Amman and is currently with the group providing support and assistance. Our thoughts and sympathies are with all those affected by this tragic event. The Imaginative Traveller

Read the full story here.


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